Utility to convert between Freemind (.mm) and MindMeister (.mind) formats

Utility to convert between Freemind (.mm) and MindMeister (.mind) formats

I used to be a subscriber for MindMeister Pro (strongly recommend it, if you can afford it). In addition to the cloud storage part of it, the mindmaps look cleaner/slicker than what you would get in FreeMind + there is the Presentation Mode that I love.

As I alluded earlier, I no longer subscribe to MindMeister. Which means, I am out of luck with the already created mind maps + my ability to edit/view mindmaps shared by others.

The Free version of MindMeister still allows you to export to it’s own format (.mind)

Yesterday, I wrote a small piece of GoLang code to convert bi-directionally between .mind <> .mm (Freemind format).

Keep in mind:

  • There is data loss during conversion. Only the raw mindmap details - relationships and the text move over
  • Embedded images, links to media etc. will be lost


mind2mm -h 

(for help information)

mind2mm -in <filename.mind> -out <filename.mm> 

(converts from .mind to .mm format)

mind2mm -j2m=false -in <filename.mm> -out <filename.mind> 

(converts from .mm to .mind format)

Code is in GitHub Links to binaries:

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